Landlord Foundation Course in Partnership with Gateshead Council
Cost: £tbc discounted licence fees
Landlords Foundation Course – delivered by the NLA in partnership with Gateshead Council
A landlord’s essential responsibility is to ensure their tenants live in a home that satisfies all the legal requirements and they conduct themselves in a professional manner that adheres to the law.
Come on a journey with us on our one-day course, as we take you through the laws, regulation and liabilities of a landlord business. Supporting you to gain a nationally recognised foundation level of knowledge to become accredited with the NLA which can bring you a wealth of additional benefits. Whether you are a new or experienced landlord, the NLA Foundation Course will help develop your professional skills, show you everything you need to know from start to finish of a tenancy, taking you through the fundamentals of being or becoming a landlord. Our team of trainers will demonstrate their expertise and knowledge, assist to maximise your return on investments, help strengthen your business, clarify what your obligations and responsibilities are as a landlord, whether you self-manage or use a letting agent.
Our experts provide thought provoking discussions, a chance for networking, real life stories and practical advice and examples to avoid the pitfalls, saving you time and ensuring you stay on the right side of the law. At the end of this course an open book assessment is conducted to reinforce your understanding from the day’s course and certification is issued on satisfactory completion.
Our course focuses on the main issues facing landlords, including:
- Pre-tenancy considerations
- Responsibilities & liabilities
- Setting up a tenancy
- During a tenancy
- Ending a tenancy
- Record keeping
- Guidance and practical help
- Up to date advice
Cost: £tbc discounted licence fees
Date and venue: 30th October at Gateshead Civic Centre
To find out more or to book a place on any of our courses please contact Private Rented Service Gateshead on 0191 433 3365 or by emailing privatelandlords@gateshead.gov.uk