Universal Credit Full Service Implementation Briefing
This event has been organised by East Lindsey District Council.
Universal Credit Full Service Launch at Louth Job Centre – what does this mean for private landlords?
Felicity Cooper, Partnership Manager, Department of Work and Pensions
Universal Credit Full Service is being rolled out in Louth Jobcentre from 12th September 2018. It will be available to all claimant types both in and out of work such including, families, single parents, carers and those with certain health conditions. The meeting will include: • Presentations to help you understand the changes that Universal Credit full service will introduce. • An opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have around Universal Credit, and how the support mechanisms available. • An opportunity for you to consider and share ways in which we can work together to support Universal Credit full service claimants. To support you through Universal Credit we have developed a number of guides at www.gov.uk/guidance/universal-credit-toolkit-for-partner-organisations that explain key areas of the service.
Dealing with Tenants on Universal Credit – What have we learnt so far?
Don Robbie, Local Representative, NLA
To book your place Please confirm your attendance at this event by e-mailing FELICITY.COOPER@DWP.GSI.GOV.UK
If you have any further queries please contact the NLA Representative for this area don.robbie@landlords.org.uk
The hours spent attending this event will contribute towards Continued Professional Development (CPD) for NLA Accredited landlords. The relevant number of hours should be manually added to your CPD profile on the NLA Online Library.