Free tax investigation cover, should you need it
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) routinely check a proportion of tax returns to make sure they are correct. They may also decide to conduct an extensive examination of all areas of your tax affairs including an in-depth review of your tax return records.
These enquiries take time and money to resolve. Tax Investigation Insurance is designed to remove the burden should you be subject to an investigation. The policy indemnifies you for professional costs whilst you are being represented. Terms and conditions apply.
How much does it cost?
Insurance cover can cost over £100, but for UKALA members it is included as part of your membership of the UK Association of Letting Agents (UKALA). Terms and Conditions apply.
Qualifying Criteria
All current and fully paid up members of UKALA receive the benefit of this valuable protection free of charge provided they meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Membership of the UKALA must be in force and fully paid up at the time that the investigation is first notified.
- The annual combined fee and commission income of the member must not exceed £550,000.
- Only companies, firms, partnerships or organisations specifically named as a member of UKALA are entitled to the protection offered by this insurance policy.
- The member must have no outstanding investigations pending and no more than one investigation claim in the past three years or exceeding £3,000 in total.
- All members must be domiciled in the UK or Northern Ireland.
- The policy will only cover business affairs for which the member acts as an agent.
If you do not qualify for this benefit you may still be able to obtain discounted Tax Investigation Insurance from our insurance providers as a result of your UKALA membership.
To obtain a bespoke quotation please complete the Non-Standard Member Quotation Request Form and email it to Hamilton Fraser will respond to your enquiry within 5 working days.
Policy Wording and How to Make a Claim
Website Document downloads:
Tax Investigation Insurance Claimline
This claimline* has been set up to assist members in any questions or queries they have in connection with taxation, VAT, PAYE and NIC issues.
You will need to quote ‘UKALA Tax Protection’ when you contact the Claimline* and you may be asked to provide the policy number of the scheme and your UKALA membership number.
The Claimline telephone number is 0344 770 1060* and operates between 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays. Calls to 0344 numbers may cost 13p a minute and typically up to 41p from a mobile phone, depending on the provider.
Please note that telephone calls are generally recorded in case a dispute over the advice given by the consultant arises or the discussion results in a formal claim.
If you require general information about this policy please call Hamilton Fraser on 0345 310 6300 or email
How to make a claim
As soon as you become aware of a possible claim under the policy you should firstly contact Arc Legal Assistance’s (the insurance providers) tax consultants by using the Tax Investigation Insurance Claimline on 0344 770 1060*. You will then have the opportunity of discussing the potential problem with the taxation consultant.
Any advice that you are given over the phone by the consultant should be followed exactly and to the time scales advised to you. Failure to do this may render any future claim invalid as you may prejudice the insurers’ position. Please note that telephone calls are generally recorded in case a dispute over the advice given by the consultant arises.
Between you and the consultant, a decision will be made as to whether a claim can be made under the Policy. If it is decided that a claim should proceed, you will be transferred to Arc’s taxation consultant who will deal with all aspects of the claim from thereon. Information you have provided to the Claimline*, including transcripts of all telephone calls you have made to the Claimline* about the incident, will be supplied to Arc’s Claims Team. This ensures continuity of advice and guidance to you from Arc’s taxation consultants.
You will need to supply your UKALA membership number. Arc Legal Assistance will check this number with either UKALA or Hamilton Fraser to ensure that you are a current and fully paid up member of UKALA. Once the membership information has been accepted by Arc you will be sent a claim form to complete and return to Arc as soon as possible. Again, please follow all advice provided by the claims team exactly as requested and to the time scales advised.
Want to know more about this Tax Investigation Insurance cover?
Hamilton Fraser can assist you with general enquiries regarding eligability and policy terms and conditions.
Please contact Hamilton Fraser by calling 0345 310 6300 or email
If you are making a claim please call the Tax Investigation Claimline on 0344 770 1060*.
If you are unhappy in any way with the advice provided by Arc Legal Assitance or in their handling of your claim, in the first instance please contact in writing Business Delivery Director, Hamilton Fraser Insurance, 1st Floor, Premiere House, Elstree Way, Borehamwood, WD16 1JH. You will then be advised on how to formally lodge your complaint against Arc Legal Assistance or their appointed consultants.
Scheme Policy Number: 10170/60159/05/17/TX
Taxation/Claims Line: 0344 770 1060*
*Calls to 0344 numbers may cost up to 13p a minute and typically up to 41p from a mobile phone, depending on the provider.